According to data collected by the CDC the number of autism cases has been increasing drastically over the past years. In the year 2000, it was estimated that 1 in every 150 children was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. In 2018, just a short 18 years later the numbers show that approximately 1 in 44 children was diagnosed with ASD. Early diagnosis and intervention is important, as it can make a big difference with ASD. Typically ASD is chronic and lifelong but this doesn’t have to be the case when you learn about our natural autism remedies. There is a controversial option called applied behavior analysis but studies have shown that on average the cost is upwards of $60,000 per year for it to become somewhat effective.

How to Reverse Autism at Home

Unfortunately, there is no cure for autism, however, YOU CAN REVERSE AUTISM when treated early enough we can reverse autism from the comfort of your home. Some may call this a natural autism cure but we don’t like to say we have the cure, we simply allow the body to become healthy by using the correct methods, as early as possible for the best results!  You will be amazed at what your body can heal on its own with the aid of very specific foods, herbs, and practices.  At Healing Reversals we have been successful in using holistic remedies that will flush the toxins from the body that may be aiding in the cause of ASD. We use many of the same techniques for reversing cancer so this is a good program for general health and to being proactive with your child’s health. 

Using natural medicine to treat autism is a better option because the drugs that traditional doctors prescribe (Abilify and Respirdal) have side effects that can cause harm to the body’s natural immune system. The side effects of Risperdal may be: vomiting, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness (light head), blurred vision, constipation, headaches, drooling, and trouble sleeping or otherwise known as insomnia. The side effects of Risperdal are similar. If a drug causes this many side effects do you really think it’s the best option for your child? We want to highlight the importance of getting enough sleep because it is one of the most important factors when it comes to battling ASD. If this is where you are at, then we have some effective solutions for your child. 

Nutrition for autism plays a very important role in reversing autism and we will teach you the best natural diet for autism. We also include the best natural supplements. We will also teach you how to do autism therapy at home with your loved one. We are confident that our natural autism remedies will help you and your child live a normal life as they deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions About Autism

The symptoms of autism vary from person to person and the severity of the autism spectrum disorder. The main sign would be at a young age the child is held back in school and has hard time meeting milestones. Usually, the child will feel like they do not fit in and be socially inept. Basic communication will be difficult for the child and they will not make eye contact. They may not understand or respond to social cues, such as body language or gestures. Having temper tantrums over things that they do not like such as food, smells, sounds, and activities. If a child only shows these mild symptoms it is likely called Asperger syndrome which is an early stage or mild stage of autism.  A more severe sign would be that the child or adult fidgets their fingers together, rocking of the body (often violent) and fluttering of the arms/hand. This action is known as a stim or stimming which is short for self-stimulating behavior. They will also repeat sentences, words, and phrases.

Genetic mutations play a role in the cause of autism. There are also environmental factors that we believe play a role.

A developmental Pediatrician would typically diagnose a child with autism.

Disclamer: The earlier we treat autism the greater chance they will have of complete reversal. Once the child becomes an adult the more difficult it will be for the person to completely overcome the autism. Although we can’t guarantee 100% success for everyone because everybody is different we are confident that if you work hard to comply strictly with our protocols this will give them the best chance of autism spectrum reversal.

We Can Help You with Alternative Treatments

Dr. Gary Gauter and his team of naturopathic doctors are dedicated to helping children and adults overcome autism. We pride ourselves on providing the very best alternative treatments available.