I’m Dr. Gary Gautier and in this blog post, I am going to talk about cancer and how to test for cancer with the HCG exam. That stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. What I want you to understand is this little test can let you know whether you’re positive for active growing cancer in the body or not. This is a very good test and I’ve never seen it wrong. We use this as a very safe test for cancer. 

What Level of HCG Indicates Cancer

If you are asking yourself the question, what level of HCG indicates cancer? Well, you are in the right place.

Basically how this works is it’s a test that gives you a score and if you’re above 50 IUs or international units, then you are considered positive for growing cancer. So the great thing about this test is, is that if you’re under 50, you’re negative for growing cancer. If you’re over 50, then you’re growing cancer cells in the body. 

Where to Order The HCG Test For Cancer

The HCG test we use is at the Navarro Clinic. Doctor Navarro is an M.D. oncologist, and his grandfather invented this test back in the 1940s.

The grandson is now in charge of the clinic and his name is Efrin Navarro, M.D. The lab is in Manila, Philippines and this is where you are going to send the HCG test.

Average HCG Test Scores for Cancer

What good is this test? what do we normally see? and what are we looking for? Well, we’re looking to see what the score is with a patient. The average score that we see with all the cancer patients we have seen is 51.5 to about 52.5 so this level of HCG indicates cancer. 

In fact, 57 is the highest score I’ve ever seen. That was a little seven-year-old girl with brain cancer. In all the other cases, whether they’re metastatic or not metastatic, the first stage, the fourth stage, it doesn’t matter. Most of the scores are going to be in the 51.5 to 52.5 range.

The quickest I’ve ever seen anyone be able to reverse their cancer is about 12 months. Why I tell you this is because there are a lot of things you need to do to reverse your cancer. It’s not like you just take a pill or do chemo or something like this, and then it just disappears. In fact, you should know about chemo side effects and we will cover this in another article.

Now we’ve seen many people say, yeah, the doctor said, I’m cancer free. We have also noticed that those people passed away just weeks afterward. So you have to understand that if a doctor’s telling you you’re cancer free, you’re going to be pretty happy, right? But, just because your tumor is gone doesn’t mean that cancer cells are not actively growing in the body. This is why cancer recurrence is so eminent in traditional cancer treatments. Your body and immune system also become very damaged. 

So you have to understand that you should always be taking this test. I have my patients do this test every three months which is a good enough time to see if the score goes up or down.

Now, what I want to warn you of in a test like this is if you see this test score go up about half a point after 3 to 5 months of holistic treatment that this is actually normal and a good thing believe it or not. 

It can happen because you’re doing a lot of work, assuming you’re doing the work that we teach in the cancer classes. It’s just because you’re dumping a lot of toxins out of your blood from the bloodstream, and that’s all it is. These are what we call detox reactions. 

The reason why I tell you this is because patients have had this happen to them and they’re saying, oh, my God, I’m getting worse. I’m going to die. And that’s not true at all.

How to do the HCG Test for Cancer at Home

The following instructions are how we ask our patients to make the HCG test from home What you need to do is buy a little urine specimen cup and you’re going to need about 50 milliliters in that little urine cup. It should be a specimen from the first thing in the morning.

Then what you’re going to do is you’re going to put seven ounces of pure acetone in a clean bowl. Then you’re going to add to that five milliliters of ethyl alcohol and you’re going to mix these two together. Once these are mixed well, then you just put the 50 milliliters of urine into this bowl and you just stir it up, and then put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

After a couple of hours, you pull it out, you take a regular coffee filter, and you’ll pour the mixture through that coffee filter into a separate clean bowl.

Now, that’s how most people make it but I want to clue you in on something. What we’re really after is we’re after the sediments that are in here that will form in the refrigerator, and the sediments will usually be down on the bottom. If you don’t see sediments that don’t mean it’s not there. It just means that it’s stuck to the bottom and to the sides of the bowl where the liquid is but you can’t see it. It’s kind of like transparent, so you really can’t see it too well. But if you take a spoon or you take a knife and you start scraping away at the sides of the bowl and the bottom of the bowl, then you’re going to notice a lot of gunk on it.

You don’t need a whole lot, but you should collect whatever sediment you can get. You’re going to take that stuff off the bowl and you’re going to put it in this filter. That filter is where you need to keep everything and the filter is what we’re going to send off to the lab.

If you don’t see any sediments in there, then you’re going to have to scrape the bowl. If you see it just pouring through the filter, let it drip out, and then once it drips out, you put a paper towel down and you set it on there and it’ll just absorb the rest of all the fluid that’s in there, out of it.

Before you put it in that Ziploc, you’re going to write the name, age, and sex (male or female). Then you’re also going to have the type of cancer. So if, you know you have breast cancer, prostate cancer, whatever it is, just write it there.

Also include your email, because they’re going to have to send you the results by email. Usually, it takes them 24 to 48 hours to get the results. 

Once the filter with sediment dries, then you fold it one time and put it in a Ziploc bag. Be sure to take all the air out of the bag. 

You want it to be flat and then you send it off. You normally want to let them know that its documents. 

You’re going to have to either DHL, it, or whatever carrier service that you use.

HCG Test Story

I had a patient not that long ago and her initial test came in at 51.8. Then she went for three months and she did another test and she went down to 51.3. So she dropped half a point in 3 months doing the protocol that we taught her.

Now, you know what happened after that. She spoke to somebody who told her about this great thing for cancer. She changed what she was doing with this wonderful deduction and decided to change my protocol. 6 months after the initial test she tested again and it was the same score of 51.3. So theoretically, if you’re at 51.8 and then three months later you come to 51.3, that’s a beautiful deduction. And I would assume that she could have done another half a point in three more months and another half a point the following 3 months. 

So I would expect her to be down around maybe 50.3, which is basically almost virtually under 50.  So she made no deduction, whatsoever on whatever she was doing. And that’s why this score is good because it helps you understand what is working and what is not working.

Because you are doing this work in your home you have to learn the dos and don’ts of cancer. And there are a lot of do’s and don’ts and a lot of things you’re going to need to learn that we definitely can’t cover in this post because it takes us about 30 days to teach the patients in our Costa Rica cancer retreat. There is also no cancer patient that is the same because normally cancer comes with other diseases that we have to cater to. 

But I just want you to know this is what I want you to be aware of, it is that when you change your treatment, that doesn’t mean it’s going to work. And what I can say about this score is that it didn’t move. When you’re not doing all these things we teach you the score should continually go down except for when you are shedding toxins as mentioned above.

Why We Use The HCG Test for Cancer

Now, I want to clue you in on some things that you’re going to need to know about this test. Why would we do this HCG test? Why don’t we do the test in the hospitals? Why aren’t we sending in for those tests?

Because they’re not as accurate as this one. This HCG test shows cancer growth much sooner and I’ve never seen it wrong.

Who Should Take the HCG Test?

The HCG test is also a pregnancy test but we are not covering that topic in this post. We are only covering using the HCG test for cancer. 

This isn’t just for people who have cancer, but it’s also good for people who wonder if they have cancer or if they’re positive for growing cancer. Because we want to know whether you’re growing cancer in the body which is very important because if you are, that means that you’re eventually going to be overwhelmed with cancer.

So even if you don’t think you have cancer or if you’re someone young this is a great test to be proactive. I see a lot of cancer now in young people. I was telling you about the seven-year-old brain cancer patient, above so it is very possible to get cancer at a younger age. Especially now with all the environmental things that are happening.


There are no cures for cancer but you can reverse cancer if you follow our very strict alternative cancer treatment. You can’t just say, here, I’m going to take this pill and the cancer is gone. That’s a bunch of baloney, it’s not true and it’s very dangerous. If you’re going to “cure” your cancer, you need to reverse it. 

It takes a lot of hard work! But is it hard? Well, you’re going to just eat better foods you are going to make better choices like taking the right supplements and learning the importance of enemas, etc, etc etc. We teach you all those choices. You’re going to make sure that you exclude a lot of things from your diet. It is not easy but nothing is easy when you’re dealing with cancer. 

You’re going to make sure that you’re away from a lot of toxic materials, things like that and so that’s why we spend so much time in class work with the patient so that they understand what they have to do and then what the pitfalls are. There are probably many things that are around you that are affecting your ability to get better, and that’s really important because your life depends on it.

Some people think that they can just go do anything they want and that everything is going to be okay, and mysteriously the cancer is just going to reverse itself, I think this is a fallacy. 

So don’t believe anything like that because I wouldn’t want something like this to affect you because you’ve wasted six months. The thing about cancer is that you can really go downhill very quickly if you’re not doing all the right things or you’re around a lot of toxins and toxic situations. There are a lot of things happening out there right now that are very carcinogenic and be aware also not to let toxin thoughts enter your mind. The mind plays a key role in reversing cancer. We teach this as part of our holistic cancer remedies. 

I want to encourage you to try to stay on the things that are working and stay away from the things that aren’t working. For that, I say this is a wonderful test. I’ve never seen anyone with cancer show up negative on this test. It’s always been accurate. And they say it’s about four years more accurate than any other test out there.

I don’t think there are any natural or alternative cancer treatments that wouldn’t be using this test because it’s a very popular test. I think all the top gurus in the world used this test. I would strongly suggest using it to help you out.

I hope that’s been some help for you to understand what level of HCG indicates cancer and that there are natural treatments that you can do on your own to try and see where you’re at with cancer.