This blog post is about how fast can cancer grow or how fast cancer cells multiply. If and when the immune system is impaired and a single cancer cell escapes detection, the cancer cell will increase and multiply with time.

Note the growth of a single cancer cell in a study done by Radiological Clinic in North America in 1989, showing that in 90 days you have two cancer cells.

In a year you have 16 cancer cells.

In two years, 256 cancer cells.

Three years, just over 4000 cancer cells.

In four years, over 65,000 cancer cells.

After five years, you have over a million cancer cells

In six years you have 16,777,000 cancer cells.

In eight years you have over 4 billion cancer cells.

It is very scary how fast cancer can grow when you don’t know that you have cancer cells in the body. I want you to understand that usually doctors cannot detect or diagnose cancer until a mass occurs. When I say mass, I mean a tumor. Typically, a tumor will not form until around the seventh or eighth-year mark after billions of cancer cells have grown.

This is why it’s very important to test for cancer growth before it’s too late. You may be asking yourself how that is possible if traditional doctors can’t detect cancer until a tumor occurs. Well, there is actually a test called the HCG test, which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin which will tell you if cancer cells are multiplying in the body.