We’re going to explain coffee enema instructions and the benefits of coffee enemas. You will find it very helpful to watch our video about detailed coffee enema instructions because some of the techniques are hard to grasp while reading text.
Step by Step Coffee Enema Instructions
- Boil 2 liters of filtered/purified water.
- Add three tablespoons of S.A. Wilson’s Organic Gold Roasted Coffee.
- Stir continuously.
- Keep the lid on when you are not stirring the coffee mixture.
- Boil for 5 minutes on high heat.
- Simmer on low heat for an additional 10 to 15 minutes.
- Let the coffee cool to body temperature (37 Celsius / 98 Fahrenheit)
- Test the temperature by placing a clean finger in the coffee, if you can hold your finger in for 10 seconds then it’s a good temperature.
- Strain the coffee grinds using a fine strainer and or a coffee filter.
- Pour 500 ml into the enema bag for the pre-enema (explained below)
- Empty the air out of the bag.
- Remove the air from the hose.
- Lube the tip of the hose with coconut oil and place it in your rectum, twisting to help get it in.
- Put the 500ml coffee inside you and release it after a few minutes.
- Pour 1 liter of coffee into the bag, and repeat steps 11, 12, and 13.
- Hold the 1 liter of coffee inside ideally for 15 minutes.
- At some point do the massage exercises explained in the video.
- Release the coffee into the toilet being sure to get it all out.
- Clean the bag and tip with iodine and store in a dry place.
What Coffee for the Enema?
The first thing I want you to know about coffee enemas is it helps to know what coffee to use for the enema recipe. Although we’re not sponsored by this company, it’s really the only company I have ever used for organic coffee. And that is S.A. Wilson’s Organic Gold Roasted coffee from Ontario, Canada. We’ve been using this company for many, many decades for our cancer retreats.
The coffee costs about $16 per bag and you can buy it on Amazon. You should always get it grinded, not the beans, because some of the beans that they use are very hard and it could break your grinder.
Most of the alternative cancer treatment corporations and companies use the same coffee. I can vouch that it’s a very potent coffee. And what makes it potent? It’s a seven-blended organic blend. It’s got the highest amount of palmitic acids to be able to be effective inside the body.
Detailed Coffee Enema Instructions
I want to explain the coffee enema instuctions in detail. Okay, you want to start with about two liters of water in the pot because some of the water will evaporate off. You boil the water, then you’re going to add three tablespoons of coffee. You’re going to stir every few minutes and then you put the top back on. Be sure you keep that top on when you’re not stirring.
You just need to stir for maybe 2, 3, 4 or 5 seconds, and then just put the top back on. Why? because the grinds are down at the bottom and they clump together. If they’re clumping together, it’s just heating up and affecting the outside of the coffee clump. We want to scatter the coffee grains so that it’s all in little pieces.
OK so, you need to boil 2 liters of water. Then you add the three tablespoons of coffee to the pot, and boil it for 5 minutes, on high, and then you simmer it on low for 10 to 15 minutes longer.
After that, you cool it and you strain out the coffee grinds. So, your just left with a liquid that you’re going to put in your enema bag. All right, so one thing I want to say here is that before pouring the hot water into the enema bag, first test the temperature.
You need to know that it’s not too hot before putting it into your coffee bag. We want it hot, but not too hot. What is too hot? You have a clean hand or at least a clean finger, and you stick it into the water and you just count to ten. If you can hold your finger into that hot water for 10 seconds, you’re ready to go.
We suggest that you start with a pre-enema of 500 milliliters, and you can let this go as soon as its gets in. However, if you want to hold it for a few minutes or a long time, it’s okay as well. What this will do is it’ll help you be ready for the next one. In other words, what we’re doing is we’re getting out everything that could come out in one flow. Not everything in the GI tract is going to come out in one flow, but it helps you on the next one. So, we start with a pre-enema of 500 milliliters or a half a liter and you let that out when you’re ready and then you’re going to go to the one liter.
How Long to Hold a Coffee Enema
You put one liter in and you want to hold this for longer, you want to try to hold it for 15 minutes. Now, if you’re new, forget about it. I’ve only known one person that was able to do that and she’s, my assistant. I wasn’t able to hold it for 15 minutes on my first try.
After about five times you get really used to it, but it is what it is. When you can get to 15 minutes, you get there and that’s fine. But 15 minutes is what’s ideal for how long to hold a coffee enema.
How Does a Coffee Enema Work?
All right, now I want to talk to you about what we’re trying to do and how does a coffee enema work. I want you to understand what we’re trying to do so that you’re going to have much more success. A lot of people, they really have no idea how to do these kinds of things so they fail to do a good job.
It’s just that they don’t have experience and they just need some help. What I want to say about coffee enemas is it’s going to do a few things that are magnificent for the human body. The first thing it’s going to do is it’s going to allow for colon irrigation. The best thing to say is we’re trying to create as much colon irrigation as possible. Also, what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to excite the liver.
Take a look at the picture of the human body here and watch the video to see get a better idea of what’s really going on.

The esophagus comes down into the stomach and then the stomach has its small intestines. Then you’ve got your large intestines that comes around. That’s where this would be called the ascending colon which is part of the large intestine. The transverse goes across and then the descending goes down. And then the sigmoid turns to the rectum and then the anus.
What I want to point out is that the portal vein is what takes the coffee into the liver. I know you’re wondering how can that be. Well, because it actually gets it from the bloodstream. The bloodstream goes right from the colon, right into the liver. So, we’re able to take this coffee and put it into the body so that it goes right to the liver. It will basically make the liver kind of regurgitate and take toxins out of the body, including a lot of cancer toxins.
For the exit, it’s not going to spill right out of the body. It’s going to come into the bile duct go into the intestines and then it lands into the colon. And then it comes out at the end of the colon right where the rectum and anus are.
Coffee Enema Benefits
Now, people say all the time, I’ve seen all this great news about coffee, and coffee’s great for everything. Well, I disagree. I know all of you, coffee lovers, out there are going to hate me because I tell people coffee is great as long as you don’t drink it and you use it for enemas in the rectum. I really mean that! it’s a lifesaver.
Ok, so what is a coffee enema good for? It’ll help you tremendously get rid of a lot of toxins, including cancer-causing toxins. So, if you’re here and you’re a cancer patient. I would say that it is mandatory to do coffee enemas for the benefits.
This is a wonderful way of cleaning out the colon and we show you some techniques on how to do that in the video.
It’s a great way to get coffee over to the liver as mentioned above. Now what the liver is doing is it’s actually formulating something called glutathione. Glutathione is the strongest antioxidant in the world, and our body makes it. So that’s the wonderful thing that coffee enemas can do for you. It makes your body produce a lot of glutathione. I mean, a lot, and the more you do it, the more you have.
Glutathione actually protects you as a strong antioxidant. It protects you from sickness and disease. So, if you already have sickness or disease, it’s working to make you healthy so that you overcome whatever sickness and disease you have. What we’re seeing is there are a lot of issues going on right now in the world. Glutathione helps when you’ve been under stress from vaccines and things like this and it’s important to try to get your energy back up. And that’s exactly what glutathione will do for you. So, it’s very important and you can now understand why coffee enemas are excellent for cancer and other diseases. Glutathione is excellent for general health and wellness so I would strongly suggest you get in the habit of doing coffee enemas.
Some people say that coffee enemas help with pain relief and constipation as well.
How Many Coffee Enemas Can You Do in a Day?
I try to do two to three liters of coffee enemas a day. That would be one 500 milliliters pre-enema and a couple more liters at least. Dr. Gerson Institute recommended doing two coffee enemas per day for the average person. For cancer patients, they recommend 5 coffee enemas per day. Here is a great video with Charlotte Gerson explaining coffee enemas more.
Coffee Enema Volume
The volume for a coffee enema is one liter at a time. Never do more than one liter at a time.
If it’s a child, you got to go much, much less because they’re smaller and they don’t have the volume inside their body to hold a liter. if it’s a small child, it’s maybe half as much or maybe a quarter as much but it depends on how old they are and the weight. I don’t think children really need coffee enemas often, but enemas are good for them when they get plugged up down there. they’re probably not going to be able to hold it that long unless they have experience with enemas. But you got to make sure that you know, how much they weigh because the average human that the 1-liter volume is based on is 150 pounds or more
Coffee Enema Tips
Be sure to watch the video so you get a better understanding of the coffee enema tips about massaging. I explain how you do certain massages for 30 seconds to a minute to break up the things that have happened over time. So, generally, there are pockets inside of the colon that can actually trap undigested meat. This undigested meat can be dangerous for you and it can be a big problem because it’s basically dead food, which in this case would be meat, primarily red meat. When you have hot water in the body and you do the massaging, I teach you that it can break a lot of that up and then release it so that it comes out.
Now there are some tricks to how you can actually hold this coffee enema for 15 minutes. I recommend that you watch a video, read a book or maybe the bible. After all, Jesus did go into detail about detoxifying and coffee enemas in the Dead Sea Scrolls as Charlotte Gerson explains in her video that I linked to above. The idea is to take your mind off any pains that can occur because getting cramps during a coffee enema is common. You can also take your mind to your happy place by imagining that you are at the beach or wherever your favorite place may be. Meditation is also another option that will take your mind off the discomfort by focusing on your breathing. Speaking of breathing be sure to take deep breaths as this will help also.
If you feel like you have to go then it’s OK to let it out but try to let the cramps pass and you will be rewarded greatly for holding in the enema for 15 minutes. Some other techniques are to bang your feet on the wall or ground. You can also bang your knees together.
One of the best coffee enema tips is to use a timer and set it for 15 minutes so you don’t have to continuously be looking at your watch. If you do this then time will pass much faster.
Be sure to hang the bag or pot high enough so that you get a decent amount of pressure. If the enema bag is too low then there will not be enough pressure to insert the coffee into the body. Of course, if the tip of the hose or the entire hose is higher or at the same level as the bag then no coffee will enter the body.
If you are still finding that the coffee is not entering the body as fast as you would like check the hose for kinks. The mechanism that pinches the hose to stop the flow sometimes keeps the hose pinched even when it’s in the open position. All you need to do is pinch the hose with your fingers making it round again. Once the bag is empty, I always turn the valve or pincher to the closed position so no excess coffee spills out. The coffee will stain so be careful and be sure to clean up any spills before they dry up.
Some positions I like to use when taking in the enema are: on all fours like a dog, on the back with my feet up against the wall is probably the best and I explain in the video what side to be on when doing the massage techniques that help undigested food loosen.
Make sure that there is no air in the bag or in the hose before inserting it into the rectum because you do not want to put air into your body. Just purge the air out of the hose by letting some liquids drain out for a second. Air in the bag will also slow down the process so it’s best not to have any air in the bag.
Make sure you use an enema bag that is BPA-free.
I always do my enema in the bathroom or close to the bathroom at home. This is not only to have a spot to let out the air but to be within close proximately to the toilet when it’s time to release the coffee. Accidents can and probably will happen, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
Don’t worry, you’re going to be OK. The more coffee enemas you do the more you get used to them. You will notice that you will feel calm after the enema but have some energy at the same time. Personally, I feel much better after doing a coffee enema. I hope this article, the video, and the final tips help you with your coffee enema.